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Insurance and Self-Storage: What’s Covered and How?

Jory Gruenberg • April 5, 2018
Person Signing Insurance Policy — Chicago, IL — Metropolitan Insurance Service Consultants, Inc

Self-storage units are used to temporarily house personal belongings that either don’t fit into the home or need to be relocated during a move or renovation.

For instance, you wish to put some of your items into a moving storage facility, as you might not have enough space in your home! After all, you plan on placing important items in storage that are expensive to replace, such as clothing, appliances, outdoor equipment, and other items you need. For all of the same, you would need to get in touch with a reliable self-storage company (for example, if you live in fountain lakes, Missouri, agencies similar to Otto Self Storage might prove helpful) who can give you the facilities you require.

However, you need to consider a lot of things before you opt for such an option. Will your homeowners insurance cover the things you place in self-storage even if your storage unit is several miles away? If so, what kind of coverage is offered? This guide, along with the help of your insurance provider, will help you understand what items are covered by self-storage insurance and how.

Homeowners Insurance May Cover Some Items

Most homeowners insurance policies do cover items placed in a self-storage unit. Not all stored items receive coverage, however.

Clothing, toys, and appliances are personal belongings you can expect to remain protected outside your home. These items must be placed in a secure storage unit facility – not in another person’s house, for example.

Items that are typically not covered by homeowners insurance include:

  • Electronics
  • Motorized vehicles
  • Recreational equipment

You may have the ability to add non-covered items to your homeowners insurance policy so they are protected in self-storage homes at an additional cost. To find out how much coverage you can have placed on your stored belongings, speak with your insurance agent. Many agents tend to streamline their workflow using CRM software (similar to the ones provided by iLife Technologies) and might have a definite idea of how much coverage you would get, along with other relevant information which would improve your relationship with them.

Homeowners Insurance May Limit Monetary Replacement

Take photographs of all the belongings you wish to place in storage. Research retail and used values of each item so you can report the financial value of your stored belongings to your insurance agent. Your homeowners insurance policy, as is, may have a limit on the financial restitution you can gain on items damaged in storage, regardless of their worth.

You will want to increase your homeowners insurance policy to fully cover your furniture, appliances, and clothing should they be damaged while they are in storage. The amount of additional coverage you need depends on the protection offered by the storage unit facility and the monetary maximum your insurance company allows for replacing self-stored items.

Homeowners Insurance May Not Cover All Types of Damage

Theft, fire, and infestation damage caused to your personal belongings while in self-storage may be covered by your insurance policy. The insurance policy of the storage unit facility may cover damages to your belongings as well. However, flooding is typically not a standard insurance offered for personal belongings in a storage unit.

If you live in a known flood area or are concerned about water damage, take precautions when placing your items in storage. Place pallets or shelving units in your storage unit to keep items off the ground, and check your unit often to prevent water damage before it can occur.

Your insurance provider will want to know where and how you are planning on storing your personal belongings. Any security measures and precautions you take to keep your belongings safe will be notated in your homeowners insurance policy. For this reason, choose a storage facility that offers full-time security, gated entry, surveillance camera protection, and other safety measures.

Your homeowners insurance agent needs to know when you place your items in self-storage and how long you intend your belongings to be outside the home. With the right insurance coverage, many of your personal items will be protected even if they are not in your home. Discuss all questions and concerns about self-storage insurance with our experienced representatives at Metropolitan Insurance Service Consultants, Inc, today.

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