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5 Tips to Help Extend the Life of Your Vehicle

January 23, 2023

Buying a car is one of the biggest investments you can make, but cars rarely last forever. Fortunately, proper maintenance can help prevent minor issues from becoming major ones. The result is an extended life for your vehicle. Proper care and timely repairs can also help save you money on repairs in the long run.

Below are some simple maintenance recommendations that can help to keep your vehicle in good working condition for years to come.

1. Check Critical Fluids Regularly

Over time, oil thickens and becomes less efficient at lubricating and cooling your engine. 

However, oil isn't the only fluid to be mindful of. Other fluids in your car include the transmission fluid, power steering fluid, coolant, and wiper fluids. As a car owner, check them out regularly to avoid any unexpected issues.

Depending on your manufacturer, you may need to change your oil regularly. An oil change is crucial, as it helps lubricate moving parts and prevent wear and tear. 

To check your vehicle's fluids, refer to your owner's manual for the proper procedures and locations of the fluid reservoirs.

2. Keep Your Car Clean

Washing and waxing your car are often considered a luxury rather than a necessity. But while a clean car is always nice to have, it also offers significant benefits to the life of your car.

When driving, grime and grit may get into moving parts, leading to accelerated corrosion on the body panels. Salt, bugs, bird droppings, and sand eat away your car's paint and metal body.

A full wash a couple of times and some waxing a few times a month should help eliminate the debris and protect your car exterior. This may seem obvious to many car owners, but keeping your car clean and bodywork sound is essential in keeping its value.

3. Replace Car Filters Regularly

The filters in your car are akin to human pair of lungs, only that they need regular replacement. While servicing your car, you may also want to check your oil, air, and fuel filters. These filters keep unwanted sediments from your engine. 

The foreign matter, however, builds up over time to the extent of stifling the filters' functions. Damaged or clogged filters restrict airflow and allow impurities to enter the combustion chamber. Impurities can wreak havoc on your engine once they enter your engine and combust with fuel.

A grain of sand in the combustion chamber can damage the pistons, cylinders, and internal engine parts. Impurities are generally not good for engine operation, performance output, or long-term health. 

Check your manufacturer's maintenance schedule for your vehicle's appropriate filter replacement. Clean filters go a long way to keeping you safe and extending the life of your engine.

4. Don't Skimp on Parts

Car part manufacturers put time and effort into research and development to develop reliable parts for your vehicle. 

Inexpensive alternative parts for your vehicle could cause serious damage to your car. Subpar parts can increase your maintenance costs and decrease the performance of your car.

The quality of car parts greatly influences their lifespan, and high-quality parts last longer. Ensure you use quality parts for all vehicle components. Using a mix of genuine and poor-quality parts to save money may do more harm than good for your vehicle. 

Original parts are the ultimate cost saver because they save you a lot of money on replacement parts and other car problems.

5. Drive Gently

Your driving habits have a huge impact on how long your car lasts. Even if no visible problems show up, bad driving habits can wear your engine unnecessarily over time.

Sudden stops are sometimes unavoidable on the road. However, you want to avoid habitual braking and acceleration. Doing so puts a lot of stress on the drivetrain and wheels.

When you treat your vehicle with care, it will last a lot longer than you anticipate. Ensure your car is even more protected from accidents and problems with auto insurance. A proper insurance policy could potentially protect you from paying expensive bills.

If you're interested in learning about the quality coverage we can offer, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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